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Avail of our SWOT analysis and get answers to all your questions.
The SWOT analysis is a 5 session programme which is individualized and the child himself works together with a trained counselor to understand his/her own Strengths and Weaknesses.
SWOT also includes a psychometric test which not only maps a student’s Aptitude but also his Interest so that he/she can decide which are the alternative careers that they can choose from.
If your choices are based upon stronger interests, you are more likely to gain satisfaction and enjoyment from your education and work.
All sessions will be conducted Online.
Enroll in our SWOT analysis program, a scientifically designed program, and assess your interests, aptitudes, and career options.
What questions are asked in a SWOT analysis?
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique used to help a person to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to studies, career, competition or project planning. The questions asked it SWOT are general in nature like What do we do best?, What resources do we have available?,What is our greatest achievement?, What could we improve?,What knowledge, talent, skills and/or resources are we lacking?What disadvantages do we have? etc.
How do you prepare a SWOT analysis?
We at first decide on the objective of our SWOT analysis, like on whom we are going to used it. Mainly our SWOT program is for students belonging to class 9 to 12. we have 5 sessions in the SWOT program which are independent yet interlinked to each other. The first session is building Rapport with the student followed by a case study than a Self SWOT and Career SWOT is done by the Counselor, followed by a Psychometric test which is evaluated by the Psychologist and at last termination where we share the results with parents and students and we guide them. All our information for SWOT are kept Confidential.
What are weaknesses in a SWOT analysis?
In SWOT analysis W stands for weaknesses are those characteristics of a person that gives disadvantage relative to others. Weaknesses are all those things one do not perform well. Swot weaknesses can prevent one from achieving one’s goals and objectives.
Why is SWOT analysis Important?
SWOT analysis helps one to build on what one can do well, to address what he/she is lacking, to minimize risks, and to take the greatest possible advantage of chances for success. An undertaking comes to know of both internal as well as external factors affecting its success or failure. It helps in the formation of a strategy so as to make preparations for the possible threats from the others.
How do you turn your strength into an opportunity?
Strengths to Opportunities. Using one’s internal strengths to take advantage of opportunities. Identifying the internal strength one is good at and searching for the best opportunities available and connecting it together.
What is the most important part of the SWOT analysis?
The two most important parts of SWOT analysis are Firstly pinpointing the one’s assets and it’s competitive liabilities. Second, identifying the one’s resource strengths and identifying the one’s best opportunities.
What is the most difficult part of the SWOT analysis?
The most difficult part, therefore, is to identify the external threats and opportunities and creating strategies that take all the factors into account.
How can SWOT analysis be used as a strategic planning tool?
An analysis of your one’s strengths and weaknesses should be a key component of the strategic planning process. This easy-to-use tool also identifies the opportunities and any threats one can face.